Mgtow, also known as Men Going Their Own Way is when a guy chooses to stop entertaining women, stop providing for women, and to stop interacting with women in any way, shape, and form. The modern woman is only able to succeed in life if she has a guy constantly providing for her. The flip side is true for a guy. A guy is only able to succeed in life if he stops providing for women. A single male is a successful male. A young adult couple even without children may say they are happy now but that couldn’t be further from the truth. That is because they are young adults and are currently having fun. For us older folk, we all know that since young adults have little life experience they don’t know much and what they say is worth less than a grain of salt; however, there are some things that they do know.
The woman knows that if the guy decides to end the relationship then that means she looses a provider and has to move onto one of her husband’s friends that she’s having an affair with. It will be even harder for the guy to leave once they have children with each other. So she will do everything it takes to convince the guy to have kids. The guy realizes that if he tries to leave, then his lazy wife is going to try everything possible to prevent their marriage from falling a part. She only loves her husband because he provides for her. Men, she doesn’t love you. She only loves you at this moment. But that moment can change just as quickly has her emotional mood swings. If you don’t currently have children with that lazy woman of yours then now is the time to break up with her as quickly as possible. Once you do have children, it will be much more difficult and nearly impossible to break up with her. If you want to live the single life sooner rather than later, then you need to stop putting off the divorce or separation.
Men, there is no other way around it. If you want to succeed in life then you need to stay single. Only single males are successful males and only single males are alpha males. A married male or a male in any type of relationship with a woman is not a successful male and a male that interacts with women in any way shape or form is a beta male. Beta males get nowhere in life. If you are in a relationship with a woman then you need to find time to do the things you enjoy. Whereas if you are a single male then you have the time to do the things you enjoy. For example, if you are married to a woman then you need to find the time to write and publish a book; however, if you want to have the time to write and publish a book then you need to break up with that lazy woman of yours and stay single.
For some guys, living the single life is totally opposite of what your parents have taught you. I mean let’s face it. You wouldn’t be here today if your dad didn’t live the beta male life and entertain women, namely your mom. And your mom wouldn’t have been able to provide for you the way she did if your dad didn’t first provide and entertain your mom for all those years. But imagine how much more successful your dad would have been if he would have chosen to stay single and live out his hobbies (starting a business, authoring books, investing in the stock market, etc…) rather than help your mom to live out her hobbies (being constantly entertained, buying things instead of buying stocks, having children, etc…)
Come on man, do you really want to stay with that lazy woman of yours and continue to provide for her for the rest of your life? Don’t you want to do anything successful with your life rather than entertaining a woman and fulfilling her dreams? It is time for men to start fulfilling their dreams and not the dreams of women. At the end of the day you’re not a bro until you’re mgtow.
You can to it, man. I believe in you.
Mgtow is a way of life, not a state of mind.