Most popular benefits of being rich

You earn more money than if you were poor. You get to associate with other rich people. There's no need to associate with poor people. You can buy anything you want. You can...

Malaysian Airlines MH17 Downed In Eastern Ukraine

Another Malaysian Airliner, Flight MH17 this time, was supposedly shot down over Eastern Ukraine on Thursday July, 17th 2014, some 60km from the Russian border. The flight contained 283...

Is More Government Better?

In the ever increasing world of government control, we are seeing a rise in surveillance control and manipulative effects of a society that is being puppeteerd by governments around...

Pros and cons of having children

Pros Loading... Process failed Pros not found Cons Lack of quality sleep. Once you've made the mistake of having children with that lazy princess of yours it is time to say goodbye to...

Social networks safe?

Check out some of our members' comments Gamrpro wrote; I don't think so because they can steal your contacts which are called "Mutual Friends" or anything related to that without your...

This is what sets me a part from the social justice warriors who claim...

Many times when discussing alternate ideas to fluoride abusers you will trigger their cognitive dissonance as they attempt to shun the possibility that what they have been told their...

You know you’re in a multi-level marketing cult when…

You're not creative enough to think of a business idea of your own. You're not self employed. You drive across the state to attend monthly cult gatherings. You break your parent's furniture...

Men, It’s time to start enjoying life

With games such as Battlefield 2042, Halo Infinite, and Starfield coming out soon now is the time to divorce your wife and live the single life. If you and...

NATO Urges Russia To Withdraw Troops

Recently, Jens Stoltenberg, NATO's Secretary General, had urged Sergei Lavrov, Russia's Foreign Minister, to withdraw Russia's troops from Ukraine's borders. Putin's and Lavrov's Russian military is walking a thin...

Reasons I Like Pizza

I love pizza, and I always try and make it a daily food source. Some pizza's though just taste to good to not taste again and again. Some pizza...

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