Digital Distribution and the Facts!

The modern society is build on a lots of thing. If we look back to the 80's and guess what they thought earth would look like 2010. We though...

Three things that women hate the most

1. Women hate to be ignored. If there is one thing out of anything that women hate, that is to be ignored. Especially by men. The modern woman is raised...

Reasons I Like Pizza

I love pizza, and I always try and make it a daily food source. Some pizza's though just taste to good to not taste again and again. Some pizza...

The World of Indie Part 1: A little about Indie

What's Indie? Indie is a category in the world of gaming (also in the music world), but what kind of category? What kind of game do we think of when...

The difference between a male entrepreneur and a female entrepreneur

If we go outside and look around, everything we see was built by men. Nothing we see was built by only women. There is no building, business, or infrastructure...

Men, stop giving your money to churches

Stop giving your money to churches, pastors, and ministries. Better yet, stop donating altogether. I can't tell you the last time I donated money to anyone. It doesn't matter...

Three reasons why women are an inferior species

Women are incapable of providing for themselves. The modern woman is raised from the moment she is born to be a princess. Women are raised with the notion that they...

Men, It’s time to start enjoying life

With games such as Battlefield 2042, Halo Infinite, and Starfield coming out soon now is the time to divorce your wife and live the single life. If you and...

You know you’re a retail employee when…

You lack critical thinking skills. If you don't call in "sick" constantly then you'll be let go. You get reprimanded if you work past your scheduled shift. You're expected to work on...

Chess Tactics: Open with Knight or Pawn

When deciding which chess piece to open with will usually depend on who your opponent is, their skill level, your skill level, and whether or not you are playing...

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