It will be fourteen years since the last iteration of the Jurassic Park series of movies last hit the box office.

Jurassic Park (1993)
The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
Jurassic Park III (2001)
Jurassic World (2015)

With the newest being Jurassic World coming to theaters June 2015. I won’t get into describing every tiny detail of the movie footage we have seen in the trailer. So I will lay out some of my predictions of what we could possibly expect in Jurassic World.

First things first, Tyrannosaurus Rex. The “Tyrant King” is the iconic symbol of all the dinosaurs both in the films and in real life. In the first film, Jurassic Park (1993), Tyrannosaurus Rex reigned supreme over the fight between it and the Velociraptors. In the second film, The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997), Tyrannosaurus Rex succumbed to tranquilizer and sent back to the island. In the third film, Jurassic Park III (2001), Tyrannosaurus Rex got whooped during the battle between it and Spinosaurus.

This fourth film, Jurassic World (2015), could possibly be redemption for the Tyrant King, reclaiming its rightful throne as king of the terrible lizards.

If you don’t already know, there is a new dinosaur in Jurassic World, Indominus Rex. The first genetically modified hybrid in the films, which includes the likes of a Cuttlefish, Snake, Tyrannosaurus Rex, and Velociraptor.

You will notice towards the middle of the trailer, Chris Pratt, is in the Indominus Rex enclosure with another scientist. A clip is shown of a forty foot high retaining wall with claw marks all up and down it. With the scientist mentioning how Indominus Rex could of possibly of “climbed out.” Hinting to the fact that it could of flown out or had its wings possibly help it lift itself off the ground just enough to “climb out.”

Later you will see a shot looking down at the crowd scattering and running from something as if something was in the air chasing them? Again hinting to the fact that Indominus Rex could possibly have wings.

If you recall, in Jurassic Park (1993), Sam Neill, as Dr. Alan Grant used a flare to distract the Tyrannosaurus Rex during the groups first encounter with the Tyrant King, since its vision is based on movement. Which could be the reason why, Bryce Dallas Howard is shown in the trailer with a flare in her hand, and an enclosure beginning to open, as if Tyrannosaurus Rex could possibly be in a corner in the back of its enclosure maybe due to being put under using a tranquilizer.

All dinosaurs could have been put under using tranquilizers, once Indominus Rex escaped.

A sort of “fail safe” for when something of this magnitude were to happen.

And then we are shown the enclosures to the Velociraptors open and four Velociraptors running out(all different colors). Right afterwards we have, Chris Pratt riding a motorcycle dirt-bike in the midst of the flock of Velociraptors. Maybe the Velociraptors are immune to the tranquilizers the park officials gave to all the other dinosaurs.

So we have…

1. Tyrannosaurus Rex has been the iconic dinosaur in first three films.
2. Jurassic Park (1993) Tyrannosaurus Rex had victory over the Velociraptors.
3. The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997) Tyrannosaurus Rex neither won nor lost, since it got tranquilized.
4. Jurassic Park III (2001) Tyrannosaurus Rex got its feathers handed to it by Spinosaurus.
5. Indominus Rex is a monstrous hybrid in Jurassic World (2015).
6. Bryce Dallas Howard is using a flare to possibly lure Tyrannosaurus Rex.
7. A group of Velociraptors are let loose.

Ok, so here is my take…

Indominus Rex somehow manages to escape its enclosure and causes mayhem in the park, terrorizing the park tourists as well as feed on some of the other dinosaurs. The park officials try everything they know how to try and track and bring the Hybrid Dinosaur down, including sending its own officials out on a wild hunt, but to no avail.
So after exhausting all of their resources, the park officials resort to Indominus Rexs’ own cousins.
Velociraptors are released to track the Hybrid Dinosaur. And we could possibly see them confront Indominus Rex, but I think Indominus Rex will make short work of them, even though they will put up a good, but probably a quick and brief fight.

So the park has one final trick up its sleeve…

Tyrannosaurus Rex

Tyrannosaurus Rex, is awakened, possibly still drowsy from the tranquilizer. But finds its footing enough to step outside its enclosure, only to catch the trail the Velociraptors took.

…and begins to lumber through the forest knocking over trees and stepping on whatever is in its path.

…the camera goes to a front shot in a clearing, and we see a group of trees fall forward and out steps Tyrannosaurus Rex(albeit, still a little drowsy). Only to come up onto a bloody fight scene with Velociraptor bodies lying on the ground and in tree branches.

…the camera pans around to Indominus Rexs’ feet and pans up to its face and back to a full body shot, and further back and around to capture the two titans having a stare down.

The battle is set!

Now we have several possible outcomes…

1. Tyrannosaurus Rex looses and its a hands down win and easy victory for Indominus Rex, due to Tyrannosaurus Rex still being drowsy.

2. Tyrannosaurus Rex and Indominus Rex have a lengthy battle with Indominus Rex being killed first, however Tyrannosaurus Rex dies along with it due to the massive amount of injuries it sustains.

3. Tyrannosaurus Rex wins and survives a lengthy battle between it and Indominus Rex.

4. Tyrannosaurus Rex wins and survives, but it is a short lived fight, due to Tyrannosaurus Rex getting a “cheap shot” in (breaking Indominus Rexs’ neck?)

5. Similar to The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997), there could be two Tyrannosaurus Rex’s, and they team up with each other in order to bring down Indominus Rex. With either one of the Tyrannosaurus Rex’s surviving at the end of the fight, both of them, or none of them, which means they both get beat by Indominus Rex.

So there you have it, I personally am leaning more towards either Outcome 2, Outcome 3, or Outcome 5.

Only time will tell, but if the previous films of the series are any indication, we are in for an epic fight between two massive dinosaurs, in a film where Dinosaurs really do Rule The Earth.

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Disclosure: I am a stock market investor. I invest in the stock market for passive income and cash flow. Disclaimer: I am not a stock market professional. The information presented on is not financial advice. Always seek professional help when choosing to invest into the stock market. I am not a financial expert. The information presented on is not financial advice. Always seek professional help when seeking financial advice. I am not a health, nutrition, or fitness professional. The information presented on is not health, nutrition, or fitness advice. Always seek professional help with someone who is certified in health, nutrition, and fitness. I am not a legal expert. I am not a legal advisor. The information presented on is not legal advise. Always seek professional help with a certified legal expert. I am not a political expert. I am not a political advisor. The information presented on is not political advise. Always seek professional help with a certified political expert.