There is fire in the house, when you take a bath with a mouse.
Go out the bath, you are so mad.
Because there is fire! In the house, go get some water.
Because there is fire! Take a towel from the bath, hit the flame.
Choke the fire, choke the fire!
When there is fire in the house, make sure you can escape from the smoke and heat, put on your pants. Don’t try to dance.
There is fire in the house, so make sure you are away when the smoke and fire come your way!
When the flames come your way, take a glass of water and trow it all the way!
Your are ready to go but the fire is in the front of the door, what are you going to do ? You have to jump trough the fire, people are curious down whats happening inside. They think is there yet someone alive ?
Yes there is a mystery guy, who fights the fire with a glass of water, a towel around his shoulders.
A real fighter for his life, he has to survive until the fire brigade arrives!
The air is running out the flames reach high out, the room is full of smoke.
He sees no way out, he hits the glass of a window in the room.
Smoke and fire you can see, people ask what is going on ?
The fire brigade arrives, go with a ladder to the window try to help the guy.
But out of nothing the cooker with gas explodes in the room, a burst of heat and gas turn the room completely on fire.
The guy has seconds to jump to the ladder for his life, he didn’t think and jumped like he did know what was at his back, a cloud of fire.
That could have burn the guy with a desire

Discussion Topic: The Rage of Fire

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