A walk on the thoughtful side

The other day I had a lot on my mind so I decided to go for a walk. I put on my shoes, grabbed my keys, and walked out of the house. I decided to head downtown first before walking to a forested area near the river. As I walked downtown I took a moment and looked around. What I saw didn’t surprise me at all. I noticed drivers in cars going up and down the road and heading for their next destination. I heard several drivers blasting ridiculous music as they drove past me. Music that was the complete opposite of the solfeggio frequencies. With the drivers oblivious to the thought process that we were given and what it feels like to think, they continued to drive past me while listening to their ridiculous music as if life doesn’t even matter. I noticed good looking people walking into bars and drunks walking out. Families were pushing their babies in strollers and others were walking their dogs.

People all around me were going about the hustle and bustle of their daily lives with the majority of them, if not all of them completely oblivious to the lies we’ve been spoon fed and told to believe without question.

I could only imagine the reaction I would get if I were to tell them that the events in the bible never occurred in what we would call the middle east. Or that the last deluge occurred only a few hundred years ago. Or that our dreams are our past life memories. Or that when they look up at the moon, they are not seeing a dry dusty ground. What they are seeing is a celestial object completely covered in a persistent cloud cover.

Why are some people so afraid to question the collective narrative? If the collective narrative is the truth then there should be no fear in questioning it as it should hold up to scrutiny, like all truth should.

It is time we start to question the collective narrative.

After all, who is NASA to tell us what creation is? Who is the government to tell us we need permission for anything? Who is anyone to tell us how to live our lives? Who are they to tell us how to think and what to take as the truth? None of them are ever going to tell you that everything you have ever been taught has been a lie. None of them are going to tell you that you live on top of a never ending rabbit hole. But all of them will tell you that it is for your best interest not to question the things you’ve been told. They will tell you it is for your best interest to remember and repeat rather than ask and think. They will tell you to believe and accept rather than to question and know.

We are taught from a young age to believe, remember, and repeat and that if we can master those three commandments then we have mastered life. We are taught from beginning to end that working an 8-5 job our entire life is a job well done. We are taught from a young age to obey or pay. We are taught from our parents that santa clause is real, a bunny lays candy eggs, and a fairy visits us during the vulnerability of our sleep. Which reminds me…

Who took Adam’s rib again?

Did Adam agree to it?

If not…then wtf?

We are taught from our innocence in kindergarten that the earth is a globe and that if the earth were flat then water would fall off the edges like a waterfall cascading from a turtles back. We are taught that those with credentials and those that have spent their entire lives in schools hold the keys to absolute truth.

However unlike the knowledgeable shill, free thinkers have chosen to swallow the red pill. Nothing in life should be taken for granted and everything in life should be taken with a grain of salt. And unless you are aware of the fact that truth corrupts and absolute truth corrupts absolutely you will continue to remain asleep.

What sets me a part from the other prominent leaders in the truth movement is that I want all of my readers to approach any new research topic with their cup totally empty. Only when your cup is void of all preconceived beliefs, notions, and ideas is when the truth will begin to manifest; however, thought provoking that truth may be.

I don’t believe in anything. I either know something is real, I know something is not real, or I don’t know one way or another.

We shouldn’t just randomly believe a societal accepted notion or idea without first questioning its every facet.

Unlike the majority, you and I have chosen to live life with no filters attached.

Question everyone and everything and when you think you know something question it again. The right time to think is now…not tomorrow. Our existence in this realm is but a vapor. A mist in the cosmic breath. Life is so precious…there is nothing more soothing than listening to a beating heart.

The Earth is not what you think it is

If you have just recently come to terms with the fact that your government lied to you about the shape of this place then that’s great. Deal with that revelation emotionally and then continue searching. Don’t stop at the lack of curvature, as the flat earth deception is only the beginning of a very deep rabbit hole. A rabbit hole with turns leading to reincarnation and telekinesis. A rabbit hole with turns leading to a cloud covered moon and telepathy. And those topics are great and I’ve covered them here before; however, I think even those pale in comparison to an even bigger lie that we’ve been told.

What I want to do is to ask the tough questions and to theorize ideas that challenge even flat earther’s preconceived beliefs.

I love the flat earth community; however, like I think will happen to the religious establishment I think even the flat earth community will be shaken after the publication of this article.

Which reminds me of a fellow flat earther who mentioned they were trying to convince their spouse into having an open mind about the earth having a young age. The problem I have with that reasoning is the fellow flat earther is the one who should have an open mind about an infinite earth.

Why an infinite earth?

Have you been outside at all?

I’ll tell you what…Go outside away from the city and look around you. This place just screams “ancient.” And not 4.5 billion years old ancient. I mean…ancient.

You know what a good alternate name for the earth creation could be?

The Ancient of Days.

Wait a minute, do you hear that? I think I hear brain neurons firing.

What was the original purpose of the Earth?

I want to start with the earth first. No not the shape of the earth but rather its purpose and the purpose of the landscape and the creatures who once inhabited the landscape. I think the earth was initially created. By who? I’m not entirely sure; however, I also think the earth was recreated and terraformed several times over. The earth could be so old that we may as well just consider it infinite. The earth could have very well been created by the Anunnaki themselves. Or maybe it was created by the Nordics. Or the Reptilians. Or the Pleiadians. Or the Christianic God…who I am now thinking is possibly a Nordic himself and rules a portion of the universe with his ruling Nordic family. Whoever or whatever created the earth, I think the earth is much closer to infinite than we suppose.

Yeah but the earth is flat…how could there possibly be a universe?

And you say the moon is covered in a persistent cloud cover…

How could there be a cloud covered celestial body overhead if there is a lack of curvature here?

I look at the night time sky and see planets and galaxies. How could there be all that and the earth still has a lack of curvature?

Well, I’ll tell you what I think…

I just don’t know; however, what I do know is that we cannot and should not apply nonconfirmable heliocentric cosmological principles towards an observable geocentric flat earth universe. When we do, that is when we get into the conundrum of fantasful fallacies.

It is like discussing two mile tall titans on a round earth.

Two mile tall titans on a globe is just silly; however, what if the titans that Enoch mentioned never walked in the first place?

Let us continue…

I also think the Earth is a slain being or a conglomerate of slain beings laid on top of each other. After all, isn’t Jesus the lamb slain before the foundation of the world?

Several ancient texts such as the book of Jeremiah speak of great kings having been laid to rest and I don’t think they were referring to the mountains. The earth started off as a once living creature and was then flash frozen with more creatures created and flash frozen on top of one another.  I think the initial purpose of the earth or one of its purposes during a recreation process was to be used as an incubation chamber for its future inhabitants (us), though not necessarily for our benefit. The earth was either created or recreated and terraformed for us and for someone else’s agenda. And it still may be used for that same purpose even to this very day.

As for the continents, I think the continents were grown organs. Australia is a heart, Asia is a stomach, Africa is a liver, and the America’s are the intestines and bladder. Look at the continents again. Australia for instance is covered in iron, red dirt, and kaoline clay. What is the most abundant mineral found in red blood cells? Iron. Why kaoline clay? Because back then the world was a silica world and kaoline clay just so happens to be a silica mineral. Heck, you can even see the aorta valves on the bloody thing. The continents could have either been grown here on top of the cellular membrane (our “ground” today) or were harvested from a living being and scattered across the top of the surface of the deep. Which would then make the earth, what? …a sacrificial alter? My guess is that the earth creature was grown with its organs not on the inside like we have, but rather on the outside.

The earth creature was grown inside out.

The ground that I hinted to earlier was actually a cellular membrane similar to the skin on our own bodies. There was no dirt, or mud, or sand back then. It was a silica world back in the day. Whatever the earth was it was a living creature, its organs were on the outside, and the ground was once its skinnular membrane. There was blood everywhere and cerebral spinal fluid everywhere. This place beneath our feet was a living being with other living beings growing on top of it like growths growing on a body.

What were the mountains?

Now this is where it gets interesting.

The mountains, I think were biologically terraformed humans. The mountains are not the process of geological upheaval that your wannabe God-like teacher wants you to believe they are. Remember, even a rocket scientist told us that NASA is still trying to figure out a way to pass through the Van Allen Radiation Belts that the Apollo crewmembers survived through without knowing they even existed in the first place. Never place your trust in anyone other than yourself. That’s how we got caught in this globe lie predicament in the first place.

I think the mountains were a type of growth that were being grown on the cellular membrane similar to how human body parts are grown on lab animals. And that the earth creature’s continent organs sustained the mountain titans during their life long incubation process.

Could those genetically grown body parts on the lab animals function? Were the continents functioning organs or were they non functioning organs? Were the mountains the Enochian titans? If the mountains were not the Enochian titans then who were?

If the mountains are what I think they are, then they would have needed a large supply of nutrients to keep them alive. Hence the ocean.

The ocean was the cerebral spinal birth fluids and the rivers were the intravenous ducts and arteries feeding the mountains vital nutrients to grow and stay alive during their life long incubation process. A process that was reversed, along with the water cycle, after the earth was encapsulated by the firmament and submerged in the river of life (per the book of Isaiah). With the help of Australia (the earth creature’s heart) the fountains of the deep and underground aquifers helped to pump the cerebral spinal birth fluids into and out of the incubating mountain titans. The continents, or organs, helped to purify the cerebral spinal birth fluids for both the mountain titans and the earth creature. The mountain titans themselves had internal organs; however, since they lived their entire lives attached to the cellular earth membrane, they shared the continent organs and the oceanic cerebral spinal birth fluids with the earth creature. The earth was a creature with external organs. The mountains were growths growing on top of the earth creature and shared the earth creature’s external organs.

The mountain titans were literally formed from the dust of the ground. Only back then the ground wasn’t dust, it was a cellular membrane used to grow lab creatures on top of it. Remember, it was a silica world back then. Not a carbon based world that we have today.

I don’t think the initial mountains could have even walked. I think they lived their entire lives attached to the cellular membrane. Which means they may have not even been the Enochian titans to begin with.

Which brings me to the question…then who were the Enochian titans?

Maybe the Enochian titans were created from the artificial insemination of the mountain creatures from the Anunnaki? And if not, then that means the Enochian titans must have existed even further back in time than what flat earther’s presume.

Why were the mountains created?

I think the Sumerians and their cuneiform texts hint at what the mountains were initially purposed for.

What I think happened was that the Anunnaki either created the earth or wiped out a previously created earth and all of its inhabitants before later biologically terraforming it. The war in the heavens that many ancient texts speak about could be this battle for earth that happened eons ago. Or maybe the war in the heavens was when another race of beings attempted to free the human captivity from the Anunnaki?

My theory is that terraforming has nothing to do with developing an atmosphere suitable for plant life like NASA says it means. No, I think terraforming is a sinister method of creating and growing life by taking advantage of life that is already there. I think the Anunnaki grew or “terraformed” an inside out creature with external organs and an external cellular membrane in order to grow humans, animals, and other creatures on the membrane that is now what we would call the ground. And I suspect NASA and other “space agencies” are doing the same thing else where.

The Anunnaki biologically terraformed the earth by growing a cellular membrane and growing these creatures (our mountains of today) on top of the membrane. Once there were a certain number of creatures grown and that the creatures were of a certain size, the Anunnaki used an ancient technology to flash freeze the creatures, the ground, the ocean, and everything else. This flash freezing technology is spoken about in the book of Genesis and the first book of Enoch; however, I think these were two separate events that occurred…two separate deluges that wiped the earth slate clean each time.

After this particular event, this place was now a vast barren wasteland of lifeless beings. A desert. A dry place. This and other similar events could have been the ice ages and mud floods that occurred in both the recent and distant past. Then after eons of passing time, the earth creature’s external organs are now the continents ready to be quarried, the cellular membrane is now the dirt of the ground ready to be tilled, and those creatures that were once grown lab creatures are now rocky mountains that are filled with gold and other precious minerals and are now ready to be mined.

The gold and other precious minerals do no good just sitting around, so the Anunnaki then created carbon based humans and other beings in a similar fashion in the Anunnaki’s image and after their likeness to quarry the continents, till the ground, and mine the gold and other minerals from the mountains. Per the book of Genesis, the Anunnaki created carbon based humans from the dust of the ground and this time the ground was actually dust.

Gotta get that gold for that shiny New Jerusalem from somewhere…right?

After a while, the human slave miners started to revolt against the Anunnaki so the Anunnaki had to flash freeze their creation again prompting another mud flood and another ice age; however, only after protecting a certain man and his family.

Why did the Anunnaki only protect Noah and his family? Could they have been the only ones that still carried adrenochrome? Were the original humans trying to remove adrenochrome from their bodies and the Anunnaki didn’t like that? Were the nephilim adrenochrome free or was there blood purely adrenochrome? Was Tartaria a pre flood civilization? Was Tartaria part of the post flood reconstruction period? Tartaria…Tartarus…the underworld?


The dots are starting to connect.

The Anunnaki created or terraformed the Earth. They grew the earth creature’s external organs and the mountain titans only to flash freeze them for humans to later mine in the distant future; however, that plan backfired when the humans started to revolt.

I think the Anunnaki created us humans for a two fold purpose.

  1. To mine the gold from the mountain titans.
  2. For adrenochrome harvesting.

The humans and other beings on the earth today are the by products of a failed experiment conducted by the Anunnaki. We are the by products not of a loving God but of a race of beings that the Sumerians, the original slave miners, hinted to us about in their cuneiform texts.

If we really are the beings created in the Anunnaki’s image and after their likeness, then that may be the reason why Jesus doesn’t want people who have an NDE to see his face when they are on the other side. For if they do see his face and are permitted to return to the earth then their belief system shall surely be disturbed and would attempt to tell others just who that being really is. For if they see the face of Jesus then they shall be like him since they shall see him for who he is…an Anunnaki.

What were the giant trees used for if not for Noah’s ark?

If the giant silica based trees which were probably hair follicles growing on the earth membrane were not used for Noah’s ark, then they could have been used as a sustainable food source for the earth creature and the mountain titans.

And the tree of life?

The fruit from the giant trees and the largest tree of them all, the tree of life, occasionally fell on top of the cellular membrane, which absorbed the fruit and distributed the nutrients to the earth creature and the incubating mountain titans with the help of the continent organs. Remember, the earth creature was grown inside out, so the fruit which rained down (the mana from heaven) was broken a part and digested on the outside, and not on the inside like our stomachs and intestines do.

Since we live in an inside out created being, that would make the stars, satellites, and shooting stars what…? Brain neurons?

We are shrinking after all. Could we really be that small now that we are able to see brain neurons?


The giant trees could have also been used to block the sunlight from the biologically terraformed mountain titans and the soft tissue of the earth creature’s external organs. It doesn’t matter how tough a being is…bodily tissue is bodily tissue. And like all bodily tissue, is subject to damage. The trees could have been used to block the sun from damaging the mountain titans’ eyes as I suspect that many of the incubating mountain creatures were grown in all sorts of directions on the membrane including some looking straight at the horizon their entire lives and some looking straight up at the sky and that if they weren’t protected by some sort of shade (the giant trees) then the sunlight would have caused damage to their eyes and skin.

Then again, the massive trees could still have originally been designed for shade for the incubating mountain titans until Noah and his family cut them down to be used for the ark as instructed by the Anunnaki deities. And like the cerebral spinal birth fluids (the ocean), the trees could have also been used for a form of biological telepathy. We may never know for sure; however, as we continue to research and continue to uncover the lies that we have been told we are left with two options…

We can either think and know or believe and stay deceived.

Everything you have ever been taught has been a lie.


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Disclosure: I am a stock market investor. I invest in the stock market for passive income and cash flow. Disclaimer: I am not a stock market professional. The information presented on EclypticStudios.com is not financial advice. Always seek professional help when choosing to invest into the stock market. I am not a financial expert. The information presented on EclypticStudios.com is not financial advice. Always seek professional help when seeking financial advice. I am not a health, nutrition, or fitness professional. The information presented on EclypticStudios.com is not health, nutrition, or fitness advice. Always seek professional help with someone who is certified in health, nutrition, and fitness. I am not a legal expert. I am not a legal advisor. The information presented on EclypticStudios.com is not legal advise. Always seek professional help with a certified legal expert. I am not a political expert. I am not a political advisor. The information presented on EclypticStudios.com is not political advise. Always seek professional help with a certified political expert.