1. Your a woman.
  2. It’s all your fault.
  3. It’s one thing after another.
  4. You’re either an inexperienced privileged emotional young adult or a middle aged menopausal woman.
  5. You’ve made all the wrong decisions in life.
  6. Everything is falling a part around you.
  7. You’re easily manipulated.
  8. You’re starting to rethink your life.
  9. You post pictures of yourself on social media in an attempt for self gratification from others liking your hideously dysfunctional hairstyle.
  10. You’re an overweight couch potato with a bag of chips nearby.
  11. You’re unemployed.
  12. You have children with numerous men outside of your fourth marriage.
  13. You live with a dozen cats.
  14. You’re on numerous government subsidies.
  15. You’re a dedicated food stamp recipient.
  16. You live in low income government housing.
  17. You forget if you live with more cats or with more men.
  18. You’re nickname is “the crazy cat lady.”
  19. You were suckered into joining a multi-level marketing cult and spend your numerous child support checks on overpriced bottled water and makeup products.
  20. You attend church for sanctification of your sin filled life.
  21. You join in home church groups for the…”laying on of hands.” You weirdo!

And remember…

All lives matter.


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