How-To Convert DOC Files to PDF Files in Microsoft Word 2010

Have you ever wanted to change the file extension for your Microsoft Word 2010 document? Maybe you have a high school research paper that you need converting into a .pdf (Portable Document Format) file extension rather than a .doc file extension or maybe you have a paperbook or ebook that you are ready to upload to a self publishing company that will print your book. Online file converters can sometimes corrupt file extensions so rather than uploading a .doc file for your Microsoft Word 2010 document, you may want to simply save your document as a .pdf file extension and upload that to the self publishing company that will print your book. Here’s how you can convert your .doc files to .pdf files using Microsoft Word 2010.

Step 1. Launch or Open your Microsoft Word 2010 .doc document.

Step 2. From the menu bar, select “File.”

Step 3. From the list of options, Select “Save As.”

Step 4. Once the “Save As” dialog box appears, locate the “Save as type:” drop down menu.

Step 5. From the “Save as type:” drop down menu, select “PDF (*.pdf)” from the list of options.

Step 6. Select “Save.”

That is it! You have just learned how you can convert your .doc files to .pdf files using Microsoft Word 2010. You may also wish to check the check box “Open file after publishing” so you can view your .pdf file and find any proof reading errors that you hadn’t caught when proof reading your document as a .doc file extension.

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