How to SEARCH and INSTALL WordPress Themes via WordPress Admin Dashboard
Have you ever wondered how you can SEARCH and INSTALL WordPress Themes using your WordPress Admin Dashboard? Installing themes and trying out new themes and graphics templates is part of the fun of being a WordPress web master. As owner and administrator of your WordPress installation web page, you have the fun opportunity in choosing not only a WordPress theme that your users will enjoy, but also a WordPress theme that you will enjoy using. By using your WordPress administrative DASHBOARD, you will be by passing the dreaded Cpanel(Control Panel) way of WordPress theme installation. Even using your WordPress administrator login dashboard to install a WordPress graphical theme, you will be able to throw away the dreaded usage of automatic software update installations such as Softaculous. Softaculous and Cpanel are great for those who are familiar with the backend server side FTP (File Transfer Protocol) method of administrative practices, but for those of you who are new to the methodology of WordPress administration, then look no further than this simple tutorial so you can…by yourself, learn How to SEARCH and INSTALL WordPress Themes via WordPress Admin Dashboard!
Step 1. Launch an Internet web browser such as Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer (IE) or Mozilla Firefox.
Step 2. Login to your WordPress Administration DashBoard using your Username and Password by appending the admin url to the end of your main index URL and hitting enter.
Step 3. Locate your left menu buttons on the left in your WordPress Dashboard.
Step 4. Locate and hover over the “Appearance” menu option.
Step 5. Left click once on “Themes” which is in the “Appearance” menu option in your WordPress Dashboard.
Step 6. Left click once on the “Add New” button in the center.
Step 7. Search for a particular WordPress theme that interests you by using the (Featured, Popular, Latest, Feature Filter, and Search themes search box) to help find a particular WordPress theme that you like. If you see an “Already Installed” message on the top of the theme box you are reviewing and previewing, it means your WordPress installation already has that particular WordPress theme installed onto the hosting server and FTP database.
Step 8. After reviewing the WordPress theme “Details” and WordPress theme “Preview” hover over the theme you wish to install.
Step 9. Left click once on “Install.”
That is it! Enough with the dreaded Cpanel and Softaculous scripts, simply follow the WordPress installation menu prompts after you left click once on “Install” and you are well on your way to not only SEARCHING for a WordPress Theme via your WordPress Admin Dashboard, but also INSTALLING the WordPress Theme via WordPress Admin Dashboard at the same time. You may need to “Apply” the WordPress theme to your WordPress installation.
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