How to Search by (File Type and Usage Rights) using Google’s (Advanced Search) Function

Did you know that Google has an Advanced Search function? And did you know that you can search using keyword terms by the file type and usage rights using the keywords that you’ve chosen? Searching by the file type and usage rights is the perfect way for quickly determining via a Google web search, just what the usage rights of a particular image, video, or book for example are or to quickly determining if the file type that you’ve downloaded was the correct file type to begin with. Have you ever downloaded a file and come to find out, it was the wrong file extension that you needed to use at the time? Utilizing Google’s Advanced Search function and narrowing your search results that you’ve used with your chosen keywords along with the exact file type and usage rights that you want to search for could save you a lot of internet web page surfing in the future.

Step 1. Open a web browser session using an internet web browser such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.

Step 2. In the url bar, type in and press enter.

Step 3. On Google’s homepage, locate the “Settings” option on the lower right of your internet web browser.

Step 4. Left click once on “Settings.”

Step 5. Locate the “Advanced Search” option.

Step 6. Left click once on “Advanced Search.”

Step 7. Verify that Google’s Advanced Search page loads on screen.

Step 8. Fill in and type your search criteria into the input text boxes.

Step 9. Locate the last two options, “File Type” and “Usage Rights.”

Step 10. Select the appropriate file type and usage rights option via the drop down menu panels.

Step 11. Verify your search criteria and if all is good, Left click once on “Advanced Search.”

That is it! You are now searching for keywords under a specific file type and usage rights option that you have selected using Google’s Advanced search File Type and Usage Rights drop down menu panel.

Discussion Topic: How to Search by (File Type and Usage Rights) using Google’s (Advanced Search) Function