Imagine for a moment that when someone is born they are given an empty ocean basin connected to empty river channels or streams. The empty ocean basin represents that person’s individual net worth while the empty rivers represents various possible revenue streams. Some revenue streams may be passive income streams such as dividends, book sales, and YouTube income while other revenue streams might receive their income through working at a job in the secular workforce. Whenever a revenue stream is created, the income generated by that revenue stream begins to flow down one of the rivers and starts to fill up the person’s ocean basin increasing their net worth. The more revenue streams that are flowing the quicker the person’s net worth is increased; while the more revenue that is generated by a particular revenue stream the more income is dumped into the person’s net worth ocean basin.

For example, a person might have only one revenue stream by working at a secular job. During the weekend they decide to open up another revenue stream by writing and selling books. They research, type, and draft for several weeks. After hours of hard work they finally self publish their first ebook. Once the ebook is published, a new revenue stream is created called “books.” The revenue generated by the sales of the ebook represents income that is flowing down the “books” river and begins to fill the person’s net worth ocean basin. As income begins to trickle in through the ebook’s sales the author decides to publish several more ebooks. With the income stream flowing even quicker in the “books” river the author creates paperback, hardcover, and audio book versions of each of the ebooks. By now, the “books” river has a decent flow of income being generated by all of the various book sales by the four different versions of each book. The author makes enough passive income that they are freed up to work less hours at their secular job and explore even further passive income ideas and open up additional revenue streams.

Overtime, as the person creates more and more revenue streams their net worth ocean basin begins to fill up exponentially. The income generated by their passive income streams begin to out perform the paycheck they earn at their secular job that the person is able to quit their secular job and work full time from home. The number of revenue streams a person has and the amount of income generated by each of their revenue streams is solely up to their own creativity. When it comes down to passive income ideas and the growth of our own personal net worth, the sky really is the limit.

Good luck and get those revenue streams flowing.
