How to Make Money as a Teenager during Summer Break: Lawn Maintenance

Doing lawn maintenance or lawn work such as cutting the grass, trimming the bushes, and pruning the rose bushes for your neighbors and your neighboring communities can possibly net you a decent sized income. You may even form your own lawn care business and hire employees to work for you while you sit back in your chair at the office and write paychecks all day. Lawn maintenance for a teenager who just got out of school for summer break is an excellent way to make some premium cash. For example if you do lawn maintenance during the warmer summer months, then home owners may be willing to pay you more money since they may not want the ones to out there sweating. You may be the one out there sweating and working on the lawn, but at the end of the day, you are also the one who is getting paid. Usually if you bring your own lawn equipment then you could get away with charging more for your services since you are using your own lawn equipment. It is only fair since it is your equipment you will be using instead of the homeowner’s equipment. Now, if you use the home owner’s lawn equipment such as the lawn mower and leaf blower, then the home owner or property owner may pay you less amount of money compared to if you provided your own lawn equipment. Lawn care is a great money making machine for the teenager who is on summer break from high school.

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