Is AdBlock/AdBlock Plus breaking YouTube pages for you?

There have been reports that the famous/infamous browser extension(s) “AdBlock”/”AdBlock Plus” and YouTube’s internet web pages are conflicting with the rendering of YouTube’s pages, videos embeds, and video shares.

Some good questions that need answering are…

Is YouTube down?
Is YouTube down for you?
Is AdBlock down?
Is AdBlock down for you?
Is AdBlock Plus down?
Is AdBlock Plus down for you?
Does the AdBlock App need a script or code update?
Does the AdBlock Plus App need a script or code update?
Is it a YouTube code update?
Is it a Google code update?
Is it an AdBlock browser extension code update?
Is it an AdBlock Plus browser extension code update?
Is it an iFrame/Script/Share error in the code?
Is it only affecting Mozilla FireFox browsers?
Is it only affecting Google Chrome browsers?
Are any YouTube apps/applications not working properly with AdBlock or AdBlock Plus?
Is Google Chromecast affected by the AdBlock/AdBlock Plus YouTube code conflict?
Does the Microsoft Windows operating system need an update or quick fix?
Is YouTube Red affected in anyway by the AdBlock/AdBlock Plus YouTube code conflict?
Is YouTube UK down?
Should intrusive ads be taken down?
Should unintrusive ads be taken down?
Should certain websites be unaffected by various internet web application plugins or add-ons?
What about mobile devices?
Are mobile devices affected?

There can be a number of factors related to broken or not properly loaded or rendered web pages on the internet now a days.

Are your YouTube pages getting broken, scrambled, or rendering unexpectedly…let us know at the discussion topic.

Discussion Topic: Is AdBlock/AdBlock Plus breaking YouTube pages for you?